Try new games and win awesome gifts!EVENT:9/1/2016-9/4/2016
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Try New Games and Rate Them
Receive 1 point for trying a new game. Multiple logins from the same account in a game will equal only one login.
Receive 1 point for rating the game after trying it. Each game can only be scored once.
Guess which game the pictures are from. Selecting the correct game gains 1 point.
The more correct answers within the time period, the more points you can receive.
Every player has 3 rounds of guessing.
The points from the 3 rounds will determine your total points.
Time's Up!Pictures seen: Correct:
You get 1 point every time you sink a shot. The game gets more difficult as you make more shots. Sink as many shots as you can in 90 seconds.
1.The players who place in the Top 10 Rankings in the event can receive a platform privilege reward - a first recharge pack for the next new game.
2.During the event period, the point rankings will update in real time. Players with the same points will be ranked in chronological order.
3.On the day the event ends, at 24:00:00, the Top 10 highest scoring players according to the point rankings will be declared the ultimate winners of the event. R2Games staff will send an e-mail to inform the winners according to their platform account info, and the first recharge pack will be sent to the winners once the new game has launched.
4.R2Games reserves the right of final interpretation of the events and rules.
Rank | Username/ID | Points |